Laser Therapy vs. Other Methods For Smoking Cessation

Low-Level Laser Therapy (LLLT) or laser acupuncture is gaining more attention as an effective method for helping individuals quit smoking cigarettes and vaping nicotine — but also other addictions or negative habits like excessive use of marijuana, alcohol, street drugs, and even sugar.

Low-level laser therapy utilizes low-level laser beam technology directed at specific energy points on the body, such as the ears, forehead, nose, hands, and feet. By stimulating these points, laser therapy promotes reduced cravings, relief from withdrawal symptoms, and overall well-being during the nicotine-quitting process.

The strengths of laser therapy for quitting smoking include the fact that it is non-invasive, painless, and does not require the use of drugs or nicotine replacements. It is also a safe and holistic approach that takes a direct aim at addressing the physiological and habitual aspects of addiction. Because of these features, people increasingly hear first-hand testimonials from people in their social network about its positive results.

With the above in mind, you may be asking yourself, what are the success rates of quitting smoking using laser therapy versus other methods?


Traditional and Emerging Methods for Quitting Smoking

Traditional methods for smoking cessation include pharmaceutical options like Champix/Chantix (Varenicline) and Zyban (Bupropion). Others include nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) options such as nicotine patches and inhalers that deliver controlled amounts of nicotine. This list includes behavioral counseling, support groups, needle acupuncture, and other emerging methods like smartphone-based apps.

Let’s take a closer look at demonstrable evidence of both traditional and emerging methods for smoking cessation and quitting nicotine consumption:

  1. Nicotine replacement therapy (NRT): NRT involves using products such as nicotine patches, gum, lozenges, or inhalers to help reduce cravings and withdrawal symptoms. The success rate of NRT in assisting individuals to quit smoking varies. Still, one study by the New England Journal of Medicine presents only a lowly 9.9% abstinence rate after one year of use—source:
  2. Electronic cigarettes (e-cigarettes): E-cigarettes are battery-operated devices that deliver nicotine in the form of vapor. Their success rate in helping individuals quit smoking is uninspiring: 15% abstinence rate after 24 weeks of use—source:
  3. Bupropion: Bupropion is an antidepressant medication that can help people quit smoking by reducing cravings and withdrawal symptoms. The success rate of bupropion presents only a 13.6% smoking cessation rate after one year of use—source:
  4. Varenicline is another prescription medication that can help individuals quit smoking by reducing cravings and withdrawal symptoms from nicotine. The success rate of Varenicline shows a 6.2% smoking cessation rate after one year of use—source:
  5. Group support: Group support can help individuals quit smoking by providing encouragement, motivation, and accountability. It can take the form of in-person support groups or online communities. The success rate of group support varies, but one study demonstrates a noteworthy 35.5% quit rate after four weeks—source:
  6. Telephone quitlines: Telephone quitlines provide individuals access to trained counselors who can provide support and advice on quitting smoking. Although the success rate of telephone quitlines in helping individuals quit smoking is not overly impressive, this study presents a 9.1% success rate after one year—source:
  7. Exercise: It is theorized that regular physical activity may help reduce cravings and withdrawal symptoms from nicotine, mainly attributable to endorphin release. Surprisingly, “low-certainty evidence” demonstrates this—source:
  8. Hypnosis/Hypnotherapy: Hypnosis involves inducing a state of deep relaxation and increased suggestibility to help individuals overcome cravings and quit smoking. The success rate of hypnosis in assisting individuals to quit smoking varies. One study demonstrates a 24% cessation rate at one year—source:
  9. Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT): CBT is a type of talk therapy that can help individuals identify and change negative thought patterns and behaviors related to smoking. Quit Genius (Palego) is one leading organization utilizing this approach. One journal article presented that CBT’s success rate in helping individuals quit smoking is 22.6% at one year—source:
  10. Mindfulness and relaxation techniques: meditation and deep breathing techniques are reported by some sources to help individuals manage stress and cravings associated with quitting smoking/nicotine. However — demonstrable scientific evidence is not yet strong. Among these methods, Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MCBT) shows some effectiveness. It is the author’s professional and anecdotal opinion that mindfulness-based techniques seem most beneficial for quitting smoking when combined with other smoking cessation methods versus being utilized independently. Sources:, and
  11. Smartphone-Based Apps For Smoking Cessation: The goal of these apps is to support and motivate users via a combination of features that include tracking/monitoring their smoking habits, setting goals, suggestions for coping with cravings, reminders, financial tracking, gamification, and more. Success rates are hard to demonstrate due to user adherence. Current evidence implies they are best utilized with other cessation methods to boost results versus being used alone—source:
  12. Acupuncture using needles: Acupuncture involves the insertion of fine needles into specific points on the body to help reduce cravings and withdrawal symptoms. The success rate of needle acupuncture in assisting individuals to quit smoking varies considerably in scientific studies — this is in large part attributable to different acupuncture methodologies/styles being employed and lack of congruity of application. Laser acupuncture, due to its inherently more modern delivery using sophisticated equipment and application to targeted tissues using laser light, lends itself by design to a much more quantifiable and calculated approach. In the author’s clinical experience, laser acupuncture promotes significantly more consistent and measurable results than needles. One exciting parallel when comparing needle and laser acupuncture for smoking cessation is that both promote increased benefits when combined with counseling/coaching and educational smoking cessation programs—source:

In summary, most of the above methods demonstrate weak scientific support for smoking cessation and quitting nicotine consumption. The exceptions to this are group counseling sessions, mindfulness-based techniques/MCBT, coaching/counseling, educational programs, and smartphone-based apps. These exceptions, if utilized, should be combined with a more proven methodology and not alone for optimal results.


Low-Level Laser Therapy For Quitting Smoking — An Effective Smoking Cessation Methodology

Low-level laser therapy or laser acupuncture is an effective alternative to the methods presented above. Just because it is still largely ignored and not presented as a smoking cessation method by the vast majority of professionals working in the Western medical model to their patients — does not mean it is not practical.

One of the best-designed laser acupuncture studies that Lazer Dave utilizes with his Ottawa Laser Quit Smoking Program treatments demonstrates an 87.5% effectiveness rate—source:

The Ottawa Laser Solutions Laser Quit program combines a clinically effective intervention methodology with coaching incorporating Lazer Dave’s Prep Guide, habit change/mindfulness suggestions, recommended smartphone apps, and more.


In Summary

It is important to note that the effectiveness rates presented above are not absolute, and individual experiences may differ. While laser therapy can significantly increase the chances of quitting smoking, it is not a magical cure and requires a genuine desire and commitment from the smoker to maximize results. Results are not guaranteed.

Always consult your doctor regarding any health concerns, changes in medications, or similar.

For more information regarding the Ottawa Laser Quit Smoking Program, please follow this link:

Laser Acupuncture Multiple Laser Diodes

Choosing A Laser Therapist

More and more health professionals such as massage therapists, physiotherapists, acupuncturists, naturopaths, nurses and more are offering laser therapy in their practice to treat pain, inflammation, speed healing of injuries, quitting addictions like quitting smoking and more.

This is good news! As it means that despite mainstream medicine being slow on recommending this powerful healing therapy (even with increasing scientific support) — clinical results are speaking for themselves. More people are recognizing and talking about laser therapy then ever before as demand continues to grow.

Despite all the good news surrounding laser light therapy, there are some potential pitfalls to avoid or minimize when looking for a professional that offers this service. Fortunately, Lazer Dave has been specializing in and using laser therapy in his health practice for 15+ years so has some key recommendations to consider:

  • CHOOSE A PROPERLY TRAINED, EXPERIENCED AND QUALIFIED PROFESSIONAL. A professional that has a strong background in anatomy, physiology and physical therapy skills is very important to maximize laser therapy results and ensure safe application. Laser therapy onto itself is unregulated in Canada and there are plenty of  “laser technicians” operating in the market place with very minimal training. Best to go with someone who has a background in massage therapy, physiotherapy or similar.
  • OPTIMAL LASER DOSE. For optimal laser therapy results — factors such as duration, treatment frequency, power and ultimately “energy dose” (measured in joules/cm2) must be carefully considered. These treatment plan variables need to be customized to each individual patient based on critical healthy history factors such as age, general health, medications, skin pigmentation and more. Some individuals are extremely sensitive to laser and respond very quickly with a lower dose and others need a slightly higher dose for optimal and favourable results. A proficient laser therapist will consider all these factors proactively before your first treatment in order to formulate a tailored laser dose just for you that will maximize both short and long term results.
  • LESS IS MORE. It is Dave’s experience and an extension of the theory behind Arndt Schultz’s Law that weak stimuli excite physiological activity, moderate stimuli favor it, and strong stimuli arrests it. This simply means that overstimulation of tissues with laser is a risk and all to common mistake that beginner, unqualified and inexperienced therapists often make. This requires a therapist to utilize a disciplined and methodical approach acquired by training and years of experience treating different health concerns.

Lazer Dave applies all the above principles and methodologies in his treatments plus he has years of clinical experience to promote optimal laser therapy results. If you can’t be treated by Dave, make sure you choose a professional who not only has the optimal background and training with laser — pick someone who is not in a hurry and able to spend the appropriate amount of time with you in order to fully comprehend your unique needs. This will help to maximize your investment of time and money into a treatment plan utilizing laser therapy.


Questions To Ask When Choosing A Laser Therapy Professional

Considering the above principles, variables and concerns that promote optimal laser therapy results — here are some questions you might want to have answered when doing your researching for a proficient laser therapy professional. Check out their website, look for positive video testimonials, social media ratings or a personal consultation with them on the phone at least if the information you are looking for is not readily available online.

Remember, laser therapists and laser therapy is an unregulated therapy in Canada. This means that someone with NO background or training in anatomy, physiology, physical therapy, etc. and say an hour introductory course can say technically state they are “laser professional”. In particular, the trend seems that those that use the term “laser technician” should be scrutinized as they often DO NOT have a regulated health professional background.

  • WHAT QUALIFIES A PROFESSIONAL TO OFFER LASER THERAPY IN THEIR PRACTICE? Start with asking yourself is it even obvious who exactly will be treating you by personal name when researching a clinic that offers laser therapy? Does the professional have training or a background as a regulated health professional such as massage therapy, acupuncture, naturopathy, nursing or similar? How many courses have they completed on laser therapy? Where did they get their training? Do they pursue continuing education? How do they stay up-to-date on the latest clinical approaches and scientific research? If the answers are not clear —  this should raise red flags.
  • WHAT IS THEIR EXPERIENCE USING LASER THERAPY? What conditions does this therapist treat using laser therapy? How long have they been using laser therapy in their practice? Can they readily supply documented examples of positive treatment outcomes? What is their success rate? What about potential negative side effects and what steps do they take to minimize them? How about credible testimonials — do they have any posted on their website or YouTube? What kind of google reviews do they have? What does social media have to say about them? How do they respond to questions via social media? Do they even have a social media presence? If you cannot readily find this information via their website — the clinic likely utilizes the services of a “laser technician” versus a “laser therapist” with a regulated health professional background.
  • WHAT LASER THERAPY EQUIPMENT DO THEY USE? What brand of laser therapy equipment does the professional uses in their practice? If this is not presented on their site — they could be using substandard equipment. Where does it come from? When was it last serviced? How long has the manufacturer of the equipment they use been making lasers? Is the equipment Health Canada Approved? How long has the professional been using their particular laser system? How many laser diodes/probes do they use in treatments? Most “laser technicians” only use 1 probe while “laser therapists” tend to use more for optimal results.
  • CLINIC LOCATION. Where does the laser therapist practice from? Do they work with other health care professionals? Is the office or clinic location they offer their services from in a professional, clean and easy to access location? Office or clinic location is an important indicator of a laser therapist’s credibility.
  • PRICES. Are prices clearly quoted on their website? How many treatments are included with their fee’s? How much are additional or “booster” treatments if needed? Do their prices seem especially discounted? Do they include appetite suppression points with treatment or charge an exorbitant extra fee of an extra $100 for these 2-3 energy points which take very little extra time and effort to treat in addition to stimulating the core energy points? Good quality laser therapy equipment and training is not inexpensive , so it is only fair a good laser therapist should be adequately compensated for their investment into equipment, training and their specialized skills/knowledge they offer in the community and general market place.

If the majority of the questions above cannot be clearly or professionally answered — it should raise some serious concerns and may mean the “professional” you are considering offers substandard service and success rates.


Why Choose Lazer Dave?

Lazer Dave is Ottawa’s premiere laser therapy expert.

This is backed up by his 15+ years of clinical experience treating a myriad of health concerns, top notch European laser therapy equipment from Germany, high success rates, massage therapy training/background, anatomy expertise, physiology knowledge, hours of laser therapy training, commitment to continuing education and staying up-to-date on the latest research and developments in the field of laser and PBM (photobiomodulation) thearapy.

This combined expertise can be best summarized as “The Lazer Dave Advantage”. For more details on The Lazer Dave Advantage and Dave’s professional qualifications — check out the page “Why Choose Dave?”


About Lazer Dave

Want to know a little more personal info about Lazer Dave and his laser story?

Check out the “About Lazer Dave” page.


Is Laser Therapy Safe?

What Is Laser Therapy?

Low-level laser therapy (LLLT) is a non-invasive treatment that stimulates certain areas of the body with low-powered lasers. Research has shown laser therapy to be efficient in treating various issues such as pain, injuries and addictions. But is it safe?

Is Laser Therapy Safe?

To put it simply, yes, laser therapy is considered to be generally very safe. It has been used for many years and has demonstrated its efficacy with only a few reported side-effects via rigorous scientific studies and clinical application. The only precaution for every treatment is that patients must wear specialized glasses to protect against laser entering their eyes — these glasses will be provided by a therapist.

Potential Contra-indications

In regards to contra-indications, there are relatively few absolute contra-indications for laser therapy. The two main ones are that laser therapy is not applied over the fetus area when someone is pregnant (elsewhere is safe) and laser is not applied over any known malignancy or cancerous area. In addition, certain glands should be avoided such as the thalamus. Almost all medications are safe with laser therapy. In some cases when someone is taking a medication that makes them photosensitive, adjustments are made in terms of dosage to minimize minor adverse reactions. With this being said, it is important during a health history intake with a laser professional to disclose all information related to medications and health issues.

No Risk Of Burning With Low-Level Laser Therapy

The main reason this therapy is considered so safe is because it utilizes low-level lasers that do not create heat or cause any harm to the skin or tissues underneath. Low-level laser therapy can even be applied over metal and ceramic implants in the joints or similar. Laser therapy is a gentle modality that works by supplying energy to the targeted areas of body in the form of billions of photons of light that on a cellular level is transformed into chemical energy. This chemical energy is then utilized by the body to commence accelerated tissue repair and other strong healing effects.

In conclusion, laser therapy is considered to be a very safe treatment that promotes strong healing responses in the body.

Laser Quit Smoking Versus Hypnosis/Hypnotherapy

Embarking on the journey to quit smoking can be a daunting task. If you’re exploring alternative therapies, you might be wondering if methods like hypnosis, acupuncture, or laser therapy genuinely hold the key to a smoke-free life.

In this article, we shed light on the innovative world of laser acupuncture therapy, an option that stands out for those seeking a non-pharmaceutical solution to quit smoking. At Ottawa Laser Solutions, we believe in providing you with a practical and gentle alternative, and our Laser Quit Smoking Program might be the beacon of hope you’ve been searching for.


The Power of Laser Acupuncture Therapy

So, what exactly is laser acupuncture therapy? Imagine the benefits of traditional acupuncture but without the needles. Instead, non-invasive light beams from low-level lasers target specific acupoints associated with smoking cessation.

Despite what many skeptics say, recent studies – including one in mid-2021 you can find here, suggest promising results. Laser auricular acupuncture, whether used alone or with psychological counseling, has shown very positive results in reducing nicotine dependence among smokers.


What Are Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy?

Hypnosis, a trance-like state enhancing concentration and focus, is often paired with hypnotherapy to address various conditions or modify undesirable habits, such as smoking. Hypnotherapy leverages this altered state of consciousness to guide individuals toward positive behavioral changes.


Does Hypnosis/Hypnotherapy Work?

While the allure of hypnosis aiding in smoking cessation may sound appealing, the evidence remains inconclusive. Studies produce conflicting results, leaving the efficacy of hypnotherapy for quitting smoking in a gray area. On the other hand, the promising results emerging from laser acupuncture therapy studies offer a more concrete foundation for those seeking a reliable path to quit smoking.


Hypnosis/Hypnotherapy Risks and Side Effects

With hypnotherapy, there is limited evidence regarding adverse effects. However, the available data does not suggest significant risks associated with this approach. In contrast, laser acupuncture therapy is a safer and more tangible option. The minor side effects reported with laser therapy, such as temporary dizziness or headaches, are considerably less than the potential uncertainties of hypnosis.


Advantages of Laser Acupuncture Therapy Over Hypnosis/Hypnotherapy

When contemplating a smoke-free future, it’s crucial to consider the advantages of laser acupuncture therapy over hypnosis and hypnotherapy:

Tangible Results: Laser acupuncture therapy has shown promising results in recent studies, indicating a potential reduction in nicotine dependence among smokers. In contrast, the efficacy of hypnosis remains shrouded in uncertainty, making laser therapy a more tangible option for those seeking concrete outcomes.

Non-Invasiveness: Laser acupuncture therapy’s non-invasive nature sets it apart. Using low-level lasers eliminates the need for needles, making it a painless and comfortable experience. In contrast, hypnotherapy involves a psychological approach that may not appeal to everyone, emphasizing the physical and mental comfort offered by laser therapy.

Minimal Side Effects: Laser acupuncture therapy boasts minimal side effects, such as temporary dizziness or headaches. This contrasts with the potential psychological discomfort or uncertainties associated with hypnosis or hypnotherapy. The choice becomes straightforward for individuals seeking a method with fewer complications and a focus on physical well-being.

Needle-Free Alternative: For those with needle phobias, laser acupuncture therapy emerges as a needle-free alternative, providing a stress-free option for individuals who might find the prospect of needles daunting.

In conclusion, while hypnosis and hypnotherapy offer intriguing possibilities, the evidence supporting their efficacy for quitting smoking remains very ambiguous. On the other hand, laser acupuncture therapy presents a more tangible and advantageous option.


Take the Leap with Ottawa Laser Solutions

If you’re ready to embrace a smoke-free life and explore the benefits of laser acupuncture therapy, Ottawa Laser Solutions is here to help you. Lazer Dave is Ottawa’s premier laser therapy expert, and his Laser Quit Smoking Program offers a non-invasive and painless alternative for those who prefer a holistic approach to quitting smoking. Don’t let skepticism hold you back – leap towards a healthier, smoke-free future. Contact Ottawa Laser Solutions today to book your Laser Quit Smoking treatment and illuminate the path to a life without cigarettes. Your journey to a smoke-free existence starts here!

What Is Auriculotherapy Laser Ear Acupuncture?

Laser Auriculotherapy — A Modern Healing System With Historical Roots

Auriculotherapy, also known as auricular medicine or ear acupuncture, represents a holistic approach to healing that targets the auricle, or external ear, as a powerful reflex acupuncture “microsystem.” This therapeutic method views the ear as a gateway to the brain and the entire body, where stimulation of specific energy points can yield significant healing and pain reduction for various health conditions.

Techniques for stimulating these points range from traditional acupuncture needles, acupressure, seeds, and electrical stimulation to more modern approaches such as low-level laser therapy (LLLT) devices that Lazer Dave utilizes in his Ottawa Laser Solutions clinical practice. 

Auriculotherapy body system diagram.

Auriculotherapy dates back to ancient civilizations, including China, Egypt, Greece, Rome, and Persia. Practitioners worldwide have utilized it for centuries to address various health issues. However, modern auriculotherapy methods were not established until the 1950s by Dr. Paul Nogier, a renowned French physician.

Dr. Nogier, the founding father of modern auricular medicine, conducted extensive research that led to the development of the somatotopic map of the ear. This map correlates to specific points on the auricle with different anatomical parts of the body. This groundbreaking discovery formed the basis for modern auriculotherapy practices, revolutionizing the understanding and application of ear acupuncture. Dr. Nogier’s pioneering work laid the foundation for further research and advancements in auricular medicine, shaping its evolution into a respected holistic healing modality. 

Recently, auriculotherapy has emerged as a natural complement to many healthcare modalities, including massage therapy, acupuncture, physical therapy, chiropractic care, naturopathy, and Western allopathic medicine. Whether employed alongside other treatments or as a standalone therapy, auriculotherapy often proves effective even in cases where conventional treatments have failed. 

Advantages Of Laser Auriculotherapy

The key advantages and characteristics of auriculotherapy using LLLT are: 

  • Effective and gentle: When LLLT is utilized in place of needles to stimulate energy points, auriculotherapy provides an effective treatment option that is gentle, safe, and non-invasive. 
  • Minimal Side Effects: Unlike many pharmaceutical options, auriculotherapy has primarily positive side effects. These include enhanced moods, improved sleep quality, and improvement in unrelated symptoms. 
  • Convenience and accessibility: Auriculotherapy is convenient as it does not require patients to disrobe. Additionally, since almost any body part can be stimulated via the ear, even normally inaccessible areas can be treated typically with noticeable results. 

Emerging Scientific Research

Despite what the critics say, scientific research provides robust support for the efficacy of auriculotherapy, particularly in areas such as addiction cessation, weight management, anxiety/stress reduction, and pain management. It has also shown clinical promise in addressing obsessive behaviors such as theft, gambling, nail-biting, thrill-seeking, technology overuse, and excessive shopping. 

Consider the following notable studies and impressive practical, real-world uses of auriculotherapy: 

  • A study integrated into Lazer Dave’s clinical laser therapy practice for quitting smoking reported an 87.5% effectiveness rate in aiding smoking cessation (source: ). 
  • Another study following the National Acupuncture Detoxification Association protocol (NADA) demonstrated positive outcomes for auriculotherapy in treating substance abuse, including alcohol, nicotine, and other drugs (source: 
  • Retired Col. Richard C. Niemtzow, MD, PhD, MPH, has spearheaded efforts to introduce auriculotherapy in the U.S. military for rapid pain relief in emergencies. His Battlefield Acupuncture technique, implemented in 2001, has garnered significant success, leading to an increasing number of military doctors receiving training and utilizing auriculotherapy (source: 

In conclusion, auriculotherapy presents a promising path for holistic healing, offering a safe, effective, and accessible treatment option. Its integration into various healthcare practices highlights its versatility and potential as a holistic and effective natural therapy option — especially helping people to quit smoking, nicotine, alcohol, marijuana, other drugs, sugar for weight loss, and obsessive behaviors like gambling, excessive shopping, plus overuse of technology. 

For more information regarding Ottawa’s laser therapy expert and associated services, please visit

Laser For Withdrawal From Nicotine, Alcohol, Marijuana, Sugar & More

What Is Laser Therapy For Withdrawal?

Laser therapy is a non-invasive procedure that stimulates energy points (a.k.a. acupuncture points) with gentle laser light instead of acupuncture needles. It is increasingly being recognized as an effective method or adjunct therapy for helping people with withdrawal symptoms to quit smoking, nicotine, alcohol, marijuana and more.

The purpose of laser therapy is to decrease withdrawal symptoms and cravings, making it much easier for people to quit various substances. It does this in one way by promoting a strong release of neurotransmitters like endorphins, dopamine and serotonin — which are the body’s natural feel good endorphins. There is another mechanism though that is increasingly becoming scientifically recognized by science and that is laser therapy can have very positive effects on the nervous system, including the brain.

Laser Therapy & The Nervous System

Scientific studies are showing that laser therapy has positive effects on the nervous system, cognitive function and neuroplasticity. Laser does this by promoting neurogenesis — the formation of new neurological tissue. The theory is that this also helps make it easier for people to adapt to the stress of change, learn new things and also adopt new habits more readily which is very helpful when people want to quit a bad habit.


Laser Therapy Is Safe

Laser therapy is generally non-invasive, harmless and well-tolerated. It is normally completed in a health clinic facility by a trained professional and sessions normally last between 30 and 45 minutes. Minor potential side effects include minor tiredness post treatment but this is often viewed as a positive side effect since laser therapy helps people to relax and sleep better. In general, laser therapy is viewed as a very low-risk and safe treatment option.

How Many Laser Therapy Treatments Will I Need?

The amount of laser therapy treatments required to help people with withdrawal. Quitting smoking usually has quick turn around and most are completely quit in 1-2 sessions. Alcohol and marijuana withdrawal symptoms can take 2-4 treatments or more to be resolved. Please note laser therapy results are not guaranteed but Lazer Dave does have a high success rate and 15+ years clinical experience using laser therapy.

Is Their Scientific Evidence For Laser Therapy For Withdrawal?

Despite what some doctors and critics might say — there is scientific evidence for the use of laser therapy and related modalities for quitting smoking, other substances and weight-loss. Here are 2 compelling ones on pubmed:

What Is The Success Rates Of Laser Therapy For Withdrawal?

In regards to success rates — Lazer Dave’s success rates for helping people with withdrawal symptoms using laser therapy are very high when in addition to laser treatment(s):

  • Clients are motivated to want to quit. Laser is not magical — however clients sometimes describe the results as such when combined with a strong will to quit a bad habit.
  • Follow key habit change suggestions as presented in Lazer Dave’s Prep Guide. The most important change being choosing a replacement habit. This could be a new exercise program, hobby, meditation or similar. This is very important.
  • Specific supplement(s) that can add to the effects of laser therapy.

In conclusion, laser therapy for withdrawal from quitting smoking, alcohol, and marijuana is becoming increasingly recognized for helping people with withdrawal symptoms and making healthy lifestyle changes.

DISCLAIMER: Laser therapy is not a replacement for the advice of a doctor. It is important that you always consult with a doctor regarding any health concerns, medication changes or similar.

More Info On Lazer Dave’s Laser Therapy Services