A Safe & Effective Way to Break the Habit

If you’re looking to quit smoking, you know how difficult it can be to break the habit. The cravings and withdrawal symptoms can be overwhelming, and it can be easy to fall back into the old routine. That’s where Lazer Dave and Ottawa Laser Therapy Solutions come in.

Laser therapy to quit smoking in Ottawa logo.


What Is Laser Therapy To Quit Smoking?

Laser therapy is a safe and effective way to help you quit smoking by reducing nicotine cravings and withdrawal symptoms — making it much easier for smokers to quit.

Lazer Dave applies gentle laser light (no needles) using sophisticated European low-level laser therapy technology to energy points on the face, ears, hands, and feet to naturally boost endorphins, promote brain neuroplasticity, and help break the habit of consuming nicotine products. The technique is based on medical acupuncture and auricular therapy but requires no needles.

Laser therapy is also known as low-level laser therapy (LLLT), cold laser therapy, laser acupuncture, and photobiomodulation therapy (PBMT).

Lazer Dave, Certified Laser Therapist performing laser therapy to quit smoking.




PLEASE READ these 2 pages BEFORE contacting us with any questions. Thank you!




Check out what Joanne from KANATA says about the LAZER DAVE Advantage.


Lazer Dave – Ottawa’s Laser Therapy Expert

Lazer Dave has 15+ years of clinical experience treating a myriad of health concerns, top-notch European laser therapy equipment, high clinical success rates, health professional educationmedical acupuncture training via McMaster University, and a commitment to continuous learning in the field of laser therapy and photobiomodulation (PBM) therapy.



Benefits Of Laser Therapy To Quit Smoking

  • REDUCED CRAVINGS & WITHDRAWAL SYMPTOMS. Laser treatments reduce your desire for nicotine, irritability, anxiety, insomnia, mild depression, agitation, and other common symptoms associated with nicotine withdrawal.
  • SAVE MONEY. By utilizing laser therapy to quit smoking or nicotine, you can recoup the cost of the Ottawa Laser Quit Smoking Program quickly.
  • PAINLESS. No needles are used to pierce the skin or tissues. Only gentle, low-intensity laser is applied over select energy points.
  • NON-INVASIVE. Laser therapy is a non-invasive treatment option, making it a safe and comfortable choice for those looking to quit smoking.
  • HIGH SUCCESS RATE. Dave utilizes the LAZER DAVE ADVANTAGE approach, which has a high success rate in helping people quit nicotine. Dave has 15+ years of clinical experience using laser therapy in his practice and has completed 1,000s of treatments with successful outcomes for withdrawal, pain, addictions, stress, and more.
  • INSTANT RESULTS AFTER FIRST TREATMENT. Many people report significant relief from their withdrawal symptoms and cravings for nicotine after just one treatment.
  • LITTLE TO NO SIDE EFFECTS. Laser therapy to quit smoking has little to no side effects, making it a safe and effective option for those looking to quit smoking.
  • REDUCES STRESS. Laser therapy improves mood and reduces feelings of anxiety, depression, and other negative emotional factors that affect a person’s stress levels.
  • CONVENIENT. Laser therapy is a convenient treatment option, often successful with just 1-2 treatments.
  • LIMITED RISK OF WEIGHT GAIN. Dave’s Laser Therapy To Quit Nicotine Program includes treating appetite suppression points to discourage your desire for sugar and other unhealthy foods as a substitute for nicotine. Other clinics typically charge an extra $100 dollar for this treatment option!



5 Star Google Reviews for Ottawa Laser Solutions and Lazer Dave.


How Does Laser Therapy Help Me Stop Smoking?

Low-intensity laser is applied to specific energy points (acupuncture points) on the ears, head, hands, and feet to stimulate the release of neurotransmitters such as dopamine, serotonin, and endorphins—the body’s natural feel-good chemicals.

In addition, emerging scientific evidence supports that low-intensity laser light therapy positively affects the brain’s neuroplasticity. Neuroplasticity is the brain’s ability to adapt to all the changes it goes through over the course of a person’s life and is characterized by the variation in the number or nature of the neurons and synapses. This means laser therapy can provide a cognitive boost to help people quit negative habits like consuming nicotine and incorporate more positive behaviors into their lifestyles.

The benefits of increased neurotransmitter release and neuroplasticity enhancement combined can dramatically reduce nicotine cravings and help break the withdrawal cycle—with the end goal of making it easier to quit for good.


YouTube: Lazer Dave Explains How Laser Therapy Helps You Quit Smoking




Laser Quit Therapy Guide

FIRST laser treatment to quit nicotine

SECOND follow-up treatment within two weeks


General Benefits Of Quitting Smoking

Reduced risk of life-threatening diseases

Improved overall health and well-being

Compliance with regulations

Significant financial savings

Increased life expectancy

Lower insurance premiums

Positive influence on others

Enhanced social acceptance

Improved physical and mental abilities

Protecting others from secondhand smoke


The Lazer Dave Advantage

Want more proof of why Lazer Dave claims to be Ottawa’s premiere laser therapy expert? It’s because of the Lazer Dave Advantage. Click the Lazer Dave logo below for more information.

About Nicotine Withdrawal

Nicotine withdrawal has been said to parallel that of cocaine and heroin. This is partly due to the availability of tobacco and the dependent nature of nicotine. Over the past two decades, stop-smoking programs have come and gone. Most of these programs or strategies, including nicotine gum, the “patch,” and others, show a success rate of only 30-35%. Moreover, the patch and gum are nicotine-based – common sense dictates that you should not use nicotine to overcome nicotine!


Reduce Nicotine Withdrawal Symptoms With Laser Therapy

Common nicotine withdrawal symptoms.


Dave’s Approach To Helping You Quit Smoking Using Laser Therapy

Most important is your desire to quit. Subsequently, Dave subscribes to a 2 step approach in helping people overcome nicotine withdrawal using laser therapy:



Quitting smoking begins with a strong commitment to change. After you make your first appointment and complete the deposit, reception will email you the Laser Quit Therapy Prep Guide.

The Prep Guide outlines Key Habit Change suggestions, supplements, and other information that, when combined with laser quit therapy, dramatically increases the chances of quitting nicotine for good.



Use laser therapy to treat various energy points on the ears, face, hands, and feet to break and reduce the physiological withdrawal process from nicotine.

Lazer Dave's advanced RJ laser therapy equipment from Germany.
Dave uses sophisticated laser therapy equipment from Germany in his treatments.


What Happens Before My First Laser Therapy Treatment To Stop Smoking?

You will be asked to complete an online health history form, make a deposit, and subsequently be emailed the Laser Quit Therapy Prep Guide. The Prep Guide contains essential information and Key Habit Change suggestions that will maximize your chances of successfully quitting for good. You must follow as many of the recommendations as possible to maximize results.

Please note: the Laser Quit Therapy Prep Guide is NOT a replacement for the advice or recommendations of a doctor, professional counseling, group support, or mental health support services.

Laser therapy quit smoking date.


What To Expect On Your First Laser Therapy Treatment To Quit Smoking

When you come for your first laser to quit smoking treatment, you will get comfortable by lying down on a comfortable treatment table while listening to relaxing music.

Dave will explain the procedure and ask you to wear protective eyewear. Dave will then use various laser devices to treat “energy” points on the face, ears, neck, arms, wrist, hands, lower legs, and feet.

You may feel a slight warm or tingling sensation through your body. As the points are stimulated with the laser light, your body should release endorphins and other powerful neurochemicals that promote a pleasant sense of relaxation.


Laser Therapy FACEBOOK Testimonial

Facebook testimonial for laser therapy to quit smoking.


What to Expect After Your First Laser Therapy Treatment To Quit Smoking

After your first Ottawa-Kanata laser therapy treatment for quitting smoking, you will likely feel relaxed and calm, and best of all, your desire for nicotine will likely have diminished. In addition to treating you with laser, Dave will review behavioral modification practices to increase your chances of quitting smoking for good.

While many find positive results with 1-2 treatments, a small percentage may require additional “booster” treatments for longer-term success.

Dave always recommends that clients complete the two treatments in the program fee before judging individual responses and results.


Is There Scientific Research For Laser Therapy Quit Smoking?

Despite what some doctors or skeptics might say about laser therapy, there is scientific evidence that supports the efficacy of stimulating energy points (acupuncture points) to quit nicotine, alcohol, marijuana, and more.


Laser therapy scientific study on PubMed.gov.

Conclusions: The PLA (Painless Laser Acupuncture) technique for smoking cessation not only helps smokers stop smoking but also restores their homeostasis and good health. By utilizing optimal auricular points, body acupuncture points, and meridian channels and applying proper laser energy dosages, the homeostatic and healing processes can be synergized.

Link: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/29937971/


Laser therapy scientific study on PubMed.gov.

Conclusions: Participation in NADA was positively associated with feeling better about oneself, improved energy, the likelihood of employment upon discharge, and decreased alcohol use at the 3-month follow-up and 6-month follow-up. The  NADA group reported less tobacco use at six months.

Link: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/28621706


Is Laser Therapy Effective For Vaping Nicotine, E-Cigarettes, or Chewing Tobacco?

Yes. Whether you smoke, vape, utilize E-cigarettes, or chew tobacco – Lazer Dave’s treatment approach and high success rates apply to all forms of nicotine consumption.

Laser therapy to quit nicotine works also for e-cigarettes, vaping and chewing tobacco.


Is Laser Therapy Safe?

Laser therapy is a safe and non-invasive treatment option. It has been extensively studied and is effective in helping people quit smoking. It has little to no side effects and is generally well-tolerated.


“I can’t believe how EASY it was to QUIT SMOKING using LASER!”

K.S. from Kanata


Are There Any Side Effects With Laser Therapy?

Side effects are very uncommon. Usually, patients report that they continue to feel relaxed and sleep more than usual following their first treatment. Most are surprised at the ease with which they can quit smoking with laser therapy.

Laser therapy to quit smoking is painless, effective and non-invasive.


Is Laser Therapy Painful?

No. Only gentle laser light is utilized in your treatments. Most patients describe treatments as highly relaxing and pleasant. Some people feel little sensation, while others may feel light pressure, tingling, or a relaxing “heaviness” in their arms and legs.

Laser therapy involves no acupuncture needles and is painless.


Will I Gain Weight After Quitting Smoking Using Laser Therapy?

Your treatment includes the stimulation of appetite suppression points to discourage your desire for food as a substitute for cigarettes. Many professionals charge extra for this. Lazer Dave includes treatment of these points in his program fee.

Laser therapy helps with food cravings as a substitute for nicotine.


How Many Laser Therapy Treatments Will I Need?

People utilizing Dave’s Ottawa Stop Smoking Laser Treatments receive the initial treatment plus a second treatment usable within two weeks of their initial appointment. The majority of clients are successful with two treatments. However, a minority may require additional “booster” treatment for satisfactory and long-term results.


What Is The Success Rate Of Laser Therapy For Nicotine Cessation?

Ottawa Laser Solutions’ success rates for smoking and nicotine cessation are consistent with this scientific study’s effectiveness rate of 87.5% https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/29937971/.

Maximum success rates are promoted when clients, in addition to pursuing laser quit treatment, also take responsibility by following the GROUND RULES and PREPARATION recommendations presented on page 2 of the Laser Quit Therapy Prep Guide.


How Much Does Laser Therapy To Quit Smoking Cost?

The Ottawa Quit Smoking Laser Program costs $300 (+ HST). The fee includes initial treatment plus an additional treatment (useable within two weeks of the initial appointment). Subsequent “booster” treatments (if required) are $85 (+ HST).

Please note: a $50 deposit is required towards the program’s total cost. You will be requested to make this deposit during registration. The deposit policy is 100% NON-NEGOTIABLE.


Why A $50 Deposit?

Lazer Dave is often asked, ” Why do you require a $50 deposit for your laser therapy quit programs?”

The short answer is that Lazer Dave is interested in only treating clients who are seriously committed to smoking cessation. A $50 deposit demonstrates commitment.

Lazer Dave’s deposit policy also helps to preserve his high success rates and the goodwill he has built up over the years offering this specialized service.

Quit Smoking & Nicotine With Laser Therapy logo.


How Long Are Laser Therapy Treatments?

Individual treatment duration is typically 45 minutes for the first time and 30-45 minutes for subsequent treatments.


Do I Stop Smoking Before My First Laser Therapy Treatment?

Dave recommends you cut back as much AS POSSIBLE and institute as many of the GROUND RULES and PREPARATION recommendations listed on page 2 of the  Laser Quit Therapy Prep Guide BEFORE your first appointment.

This means having your LAST CIGARETTE at LEAST 5-6 hours BEFORE your FIRST APPOINTMENT. It is advantageous to be experiencing cravings for nicotine/cigarettes when you arrive for your first appointment. This increases the chance that you will feel tangible results during your first treatment, which promotes a robust psychological boost that the laser is indeed “working.”

After your first appointment, it is desirable to stop smoking/consuming ALL sources of nicotine ENTIRELY and follow the recommendations covered in the Prep Guide.


Laser Therapy Testimonial

Facebook testimonial for laser quit nicotine in Ottawa.


Can I “Cut Back” Slowly Smoking After My First Laser Therapy Treatment?

After your first appointment, it is desirable to stop smoking ENTIRELY and let the laser and your behavior changes, supplements, and other changes do the rest. Some people do not start feeling noticeable effects of laser therapy until 24 hours AFTER they have QUIT ENTIRELY consuming ALL SOURCES of nicotine. If someone attempts to cut back gradually, they may require further booster treatment(s) to increase their chances of success.


How Do I Prepare Ahead Of Time To Optimize The Chances That I Will Quit With The Treatments Included With The Laser Quit Program Fee?

To optimize results and maximize the chances of success with Lazer Dave’s Laser Quit Programs, clients should:

  1. Incorporate as many of the suggestions presented in the “Laser Quit Therapy Prep GuideBEFORE your first appointment. This includes critical supplements, behavior modifications, and environmental changes.
  2. Schedule Your First Appointment at a time when your general stress levels will NOT BE ABNORMALLY HIGH or it will be more difficult than usual to quit (i.e., scheduling your first appointment right before, say, a holiday when many people might be smoking around you).
  3. Have your last cigarette at least 5-6 HOURS BEFORE your FIRST appointment versus having your last one right before. It is optimal to be experiencing nicotine cravings when you arrive for your first treatment. Abstinence before treatment promotes a higher chance that you will quickly NOTICE TANGIBLE results during or at the end of the first treatment. This promotes a significant psychological boost that the laser is indeed “working” versus not noticing more robust results until further treatment has accrued.

If you do not follow the above preparatory steps, please note that you may not “feel” more robust results until you have completed your second treatment and have abstained from smoking for at least 24 hours. Furthermore, if you do not follow the above-recommended preparation steps, you also increase the chances of requiring extra booster treatment(s) for satisfactory results.


Should I Consume Nicorette, Use The Patch, Or Use Other Aids?

Dave advises that you use only the strategies he suggests in the Prep Guide. Always consult your doctor regarding medication changes, supplements, or similar.


Who Performs Laser Treatment? How Is Service Billed? What Will My Receipt Display?

1530910 Ontario Limited performs all treatments. Your payment receipt will show the service performed by 1530910 Ontario Limited as “Laser Quit ******* (Your Program/Booster Treatment).” Receipts are as is and not issued in any other format.


Does Dave Discount His Laser Therapy Services?

Lazer Dave competes mainly by service and expertise as Ottawa’s Laser Therapy Expert.

He is proud to offer the greater Ottawa area residents his unique combination of massage therapy training, medical acupuncture from McMaster University, the latest laser therapy research, and years of clinical success. He is one of Canada’s leading laser quit therapy experts.

He does offer 10% off for groups of two or more. The 10% discount must be requested before the first appointment (when scheduling) and is not applicable afterward.


What Can I Do To Promote Maximum Results For My Treatments?

Dave is most interested in treating clients who take the time to prepare ahead of time, as this maximizes positive outcomes using laser therapy. Dave has made the process of good preparation easy and very clear.

To prepare, please complete the following three steps:

  1. Read the entire webpage for the service you are interested in.
  2. Read the General FAQ page.
  3. Read and institute as many suggestions as possible in the Laser Quit Therapy Prep Guide BEFORE your first treatment.


Can I Consult With Dave?

Lazer Dave asks that you please read this page and the GENERAL FAQ PAGE, as the most frequently asked questions (FAQ) are answered on these two pages.

If you still wish to consult with Dave, no problem! Feel free to text him at 613-854-6969 or email him at dave@ottawalasersolutions.com to request a phone consultation.


About Lazer Dave

About Lazer Dave, Ottawa's Laser Therapy Expert.

Want to know a little more about Lazer Dave and his story?

Check out the “About Lazer Dave” page.







5035 Innovation Dr.




289 Greenbank Road




1399 Wellington St. W




STEP 1: Clinic Location

STEP 2: “Laser Therapy” under SERVICE CATEGORY

STEP 3: “Laser Quit” or “Laser Booster” under SERVICE

STEP 4: “1530910 Ontario Limited” under PRACTIONER

STEP 5: “Date & Time” to CONTINUE


  1. A $50 Non-refundable Deposit is required for all Laser Quit Programs. This fee is applied to the program fee and secures your appointment date/time. No deposit is required for laser booster treatments.
  2. After completing the deposit, you will be emailed the Laser Quit Therapy Prep Guide. This Prep Guide is integral to all Ottawa Laser Solutions Quit Programs. Lazer Dave will assume you have read, at minimum, the first 2 pages of the Prep Guide before your first treatment.
  3. Your second appointment will be scheduled at the completion of the first treatment (usually within two weeks).



→ after reading over this page and FAQ page ←

email  dave@ottawalasersolutions.com

text 613-854-6969


Serving the laser therapy quit smoking needs of the greater Ottawa area, including Kanata, Nepean, Westboro, Gatineau, Gleeb, Barrhaven, Manotick, Stittsville, Arnprior, Whitelake, Pakenham, Mississippi Mills, Carleton Place, Goulbourn, Carp, Dunrobin, Perth, Smiths Falls, Kingston and surrounding areas.